Τετάρτη 19 Ιουνίου 2013

ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ! ΝΤΟΚΟΥΜΕΝΤΑ ΕΓΚΛΗΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΒΙΑΣ! ΥΛΙΚΟ ΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΤΙΚΟ ΓΙΑ ΟΣΟΥΣ ΕΧΟΥΝ ΠΡΟΒΛΗΜΑΤΑ ΥΓΕΙΑΣ! Από το "έργο" των χρηματοδοτούμενων από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση για να εξάγουν "δημοκρατία" στην αδούλωτη Συρία! (Another extremely brutal execution, this time from Aleppo countryside. Viewer discretion is advised)

Μιας και μας απαγόρευσαν αναρτήσεις από το “Sibilla”οι αμερικανοσιωνιστές... Περιστασιακή ανάρτηση από το απαγορευμένο στο “δημοκρατικό” facebook, το ιστολογοφόρο “Sibilla"

Footage showing the brutal execution of three people has gone viral on social media.  The video, sent to Syria Report, shows a number of men, some of them armed, holding a man down, with his hands bound.
Two militants proceed to take turns in beheading the man. One of the men has a handheld transceiver clipped to his waist, while another carries handcuffs.
After the man is decapitated, the victim’s head is held up to the apparent cheers to the captors.
After the mans headless body is dumped into what looks like a water-well, two women are seen being marched toward the place where the man was beheaded. After some fumbling with the assault rifle, perhaps arguing over who should carry out the execution, the two women are repeatedly shot. There bodies, like the beheaded man, are dumped into the water-well.
The logo superimposed over the video, is reportedly that of the Ba’ath Party brigades (media department), a defensive group operating in the area, which is close to the besieged communities of Nubol and Zahra.
Al-Qaeda’s Jabhat al-Nusra and Free Syrian Army militants have besieged the villages in this region of Aleppo countryside for some time, and the video’s publication follows a likely seizure of the footage consistent with Syrian army successes in the area.
It has been suggested that the two ginger-haired men in the video could be from the North Caucasus. Extremists from Chechnya and other areas have flocked to Syria since the start of the crisis.
A nasheed popular with extremists can be heard in the background and is consistent with many videos published by Al-Qaeda affiliates in Iraq.

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