Δευτέρα 6 Αυγούστου 2012

Οι ελεύθεροι όλου του κόσμου συμπαραστέκονται στον ηρωικό αγώνα του λαού της Συρίας… (Σήμερα Σίδνεϊ, Αυστραλία - Mass Rally in Sydney in Solidarity with Syria Aug 05, 2012)

Από το απαγορευμένο στο “δημοκρατικό” facebook,
το ιστολογοφόροSibilla

 Ακολουθεί φωτορεπορτάζ από τη σημερινή μεγαλειώδη συγκέντρωση συμπαράστασης στη Συρία
More than 7000 Syrian, Arab and Australian people participated in the mass rally organized by "Australians for Syria" group in cooperation with other youth groups and figures from the Syrian and Arab communities in Australia. Syria's Honorary Consul to Sydney, Maher Dabbagh, said that the participants wanted to stress to the whole world that Syria is strong in the face of the most severe attack launched by the West and the oil monarchies. The gathering crowds reiterated solidarity with Syria and their standing by its leadership, people and army, expressing thanks to the friendly countries over their stances towards Syria. The participants toured main streets of Sydney City and stopped in front of the Office of the Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr condemning the Australian official stance and Carr's statements against Syria.
Η Χεζμπολαχ είναι στο πλευρό της Συρίας!

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