Πέμπτη 19 Απριλίου 2012

Συρία - Ο στρατός παραδίδει με εντολές του αμερικανοκρατούμενου ΟΗΕ ανθρώπους στα χέρια των εγκληματιών (Armed Terrorist Groups Continue Committing Crimes against Citizens and Law-enforcement Forces, Two Officers Martyred)

Από το απαγορευμένο στο “δημοκρατικό” facebook, το ιστολογοφόρο “Sibilla
Προς απάντηση της αναπαραγόμενης προπαγάνδας και ΔΙΑΣΤΡΕΒΛΩΣΗΣ από τα καθεστωτικά ΜΜΕ της δύσης και κάποια δήθεν αριστερά blogs.
Οι χρηματοδοτούμενες συμμορίες μισθοφόρων από τη Δύση και τους Σαουδάραβες κτύπησαν με όλμους ισραηλινής κατασκευής τις γειτονιές al-Zahraa, al-Abbasieh και al-Sabil στην πόλη της Homs και σκότωσαν δύο παιδιά.
Η απαγόρευση από τον Assad να...
προστατεύει η πολιτοφυλακή τον λαό από τις δολοφονικές επιθέσεις των τρομοκρατών μισθοφόρων και η στήριξη του ΟΗΕ και των δήθεν πολιτισμένων δυτικών καθεστώτων, που υπηρετούν τις ΗΠΑ και την ιμπεριαλιστική επίθεση στη Συρία, οδηγούν σε σφαγές του λαού της Συρίας!
Περισσότερα από την ιμπεριαλιστική επίθεση εναντίον της Συρίας: ΕΔΩ
Armed Terrorist Groups Continue Committing Crimes against Citizens and Law-enforcement Forces, Two Officers Martyred
PROVINCES, (SANA) – The armed terrorist groups continued on Monday their violations of the UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan's peace plan.
In Daraa countryside and Aleppo,  Major Mustafa Mustafa and  Captain Ghandi Omran were martyred and two others were injured by armed terrorist groups' gunfire.
In Homs, two children, Hassan Alian, 12, and Nour Mohammad Hadid, 14, were martyred as the armed terrorist groups mortared al-Zahraa, al-Abbasieh and al-Sabil suburbs with Israeli-made missiles.
In Aleppo, A patrol for the law-enforcement forces came under heavy fires by the armed terrorist groups at Salah al-Dina neighborhood, leading to the martyrdom of Major Walid Issa, while three members were injured.
Four women were injured by a bomb blast planted by the armed terrorist groups in the city of Mare'e in Aleppo countryside.
In Idleb, the armed terrorist groups sneaked to the city and attacked civilians and law-enforcement forces, leading to the martyrdom of Warrant Officer Riad Wannous and two members, while a number of civilians were injured.
Earlier, the armed terrorist groups abducted three law-enforcement members yesterday, and two members were found dead today.
203 persons from Hama give themselves up to the authorities

203 persons from Hama gave themselves up today with their weapons to the authorities who settled their issues to return to normal life.
The persons underlined that after the authorities released them immediately, they returned to their society, pledging to work for the homeland's stability and not to bear any weapon or perpetrate any act of sabotage.
Earlier, 800 persons have given themselves up to the authorities in Damascus countryside, Lattakia and Idleb.
Kidnapped Colonel Mohammad Awad Eid Freed
The competent authorities freed on Monday Colonel Mohammad Awad Eid who was kidnapped by an armed terrorist group a couple of days ago near Sawran Bridge in Hama countryside.
In an interview with the Syrian TV, Colonel Eid said ''While I was on my way to my work at 8:00 am, a hooded armed group intercepted us and forced us to stop.''
Colonel Eid added that the armed group took him and the car to an unknown place after getting the driver off the car.
He added that the armed group took him to a room and tortured him, adding that one of the terrorists asked him to announce his desertion from the army in return for a monthly salary and getting him out of the country.
F.Allafi/M. Ismael/M.Eyon

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